On July 10,2011 Eric and Stephanie celebrated their 8 year anniversary! Crazy how time really flies. Stephanie hasn't had a bike since she was like 12 yrs old. So eric took her out and bought her a bike for their anniversary a "specialized" bike. So we went biking for our anniversary. We had a great time. We always do when we spend time together. This past weekend we went on a family camping trip to Payson Lakes. This is a really beautiful lake to swim in and fish. We of course wanted to stay in the campground just next to the lake but naturally when we arrived they were all full. So we were forced to drive a little further of the Mountain and rough it. meaning no toilets! It seems that when we have to camp like this we end up enjoying ourselves more. Probably because we are completly by ourselves. We went on a family hike and collected leaves and laid them infront of our tent so we wouldn't track in the fine black dirt. It actually worked! That was a fun family project. On saturday we went to the lake and stayed for most of the day. We aired up our boat and went out and had a great time. Jacoby however hated hit life jacket and screamed the whole time....aaaahhhh family memories.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Anniversary & A Camping Trip
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Janines 4th Birthday! + The 4th of July
When Janine turned one we had a birthday party where all of the allan family came with some of our friends and it was a great birthday. Then she turned 2 and Stephanie started to feel as though we would always have a big to do on her birthday since it is shared with a major holiday. Then she turned 3 and it was just the 4 of us. This year on her golden birthday (cause she turned 4) Stephanie's oppinion has changed. We love having her birthday on the 4th. Not only does this girl love barbeques and shrimp, but we celebrate her birthday for 3 days every year! She loves how the television and radio and people in the store know its her birthday. Everytime someone says July or the 4th of July, Janine always tells her mom, "that person knows its my birthday." We love Janine and are so happy she is in our family.
In preparing this cake for Janine, stephanie made a rainbow cake for her. While visiting for Aunt Lonis wedding, Aunt Annette showed Janine a cake that she wanting to do for Canyon for his birthday. so naturally janine wanted that as well. It was fun to make and super easy.
When it is finished it looks something like this. Next time stephanie wont pour all of one color in at once. she would do half so she could do 2 patterns. This way all the colors will have big sections, instead of like this one where you can barely see the red on the very outside. if that makes any sense. Stephanie and the kids enjoyed baking this cake together. The kids were actually hanging around the kitchen this time while Stephanie made the cake. Probably because it was a neat cake that Janine wanted. Some kids get really cool big toys and over the top parties.....our kids get CAKE! But what is better than cake!? Since Stefan and Stephanie had pinatas for their birthdays this year we couldn't leave out Janine so we got a Dora the Explorer pinata and enjoyed beating the candy out of her.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Do I have a Blog???........I Do!!
There hasn't been a blog post in a long time! The reason being internet! Or lack thereof for that matter.
To re-cap what has been happening in the Allan family these last few weeks has been quite a lot.
After our family trip to Arizona two weeks later we packed up our house and our now living in Salem Utah. Where is that you might ask? Just north of Payson and South of Springville/Spanish Fork. We are sandwiched in the middle. We love it out here. We feel as though we can breathe. We loved living in Pleasant Grove and had many good friends. We are excited though to be in our home and begin a new chapter in our lives.
Stefan did participate in Baseball here in Salem. They got a shirt and a Baseball hat with a MLB Team logo on them. He was a New York Giant this year. Stefan has improved so much. He can almost catch every ball you throw overhand, and the ones that he doesn't he at least moves his glove right where the ball is. He just misses. We are so proud and happy to see the progression in him. Next is soccer and he is really excited for that and Janine is excited to Play with Stefan.
The Month of June brought unpacking boxes and getting a little more settled.After not seeing one of stephs cousins since we got married, he contacted stephanie and him and his family wanted to rent our house and buy it the first of the year! They moved in June 25th!! We are so excited to have someone there and someone who can see the vision that we saw of what that house can be. We also had a sister get her endowments out and get married. The week of Loni's wedding we also had the Kneaders Convention in Park City. Stephanie went up and spent a night with Eric. We had a blast. It was a nice date that we were able to have. We had the banquet of course and then we went miniature golfing where Eric kicked Stephanies butt by 10 strokes! He even got a hole in ONE!!! Then we went swimming. we had races and Stephanie won in those. So we both won something. Sssooo Needless to say the whole month was crazy! Eric & Michael catered the event with food from Kneaders. It looked amazing. They did an amazing job. Stephanie did the wedding cake which turned out well.
The wedding was nice. While at the temple we ran into the Tolds from our old ward. They had moved from the ward 2 years ago. It was fun to run into them. On our way back from temple going to Marysvale we got a flat tire!!! so stranded on the side of the road trying to get our tire changed in church clothes we thankfully left before the rest of the family and so we had Kendal and Dale's families who stopped and helped us. Troy & Annette stopped, picked up Stephanie and took her to the church so she could finish the cake before the reception. It was quite an adventure, but it all worked out.This past week we went to a Salt Lake City "Bees" game. They are a minor league team that utah has. that was fun.
Now it is the 4th of July weekend and we all know what that means! Janines Birthday!!!.....oh and the countrys too.
Stephanie is working on Janines Tinker Bell cake. We are hoping it will be done before her birthday!
Well for having so many things happen in these past few weeks we were able to get in all in, in a not so very long post!